Eliminate the hassle and cost of supplying scrubs to Vendors:
- Use Credentialing System to notify vendor
- Security Label identifies scrubs worn outside
- Clean, packaged attire with Security Label shipped to vendor
- Compliance reporting managed using VendorSafe kiosk
Product details
Clearly identify Surgical Attire utilizing the Vendor Safe Certification Program
- Revise and reissue Surgical Attire Policy to meet the following standards
- Vendor Safe Surgical Attire is clearly distinguished from “Uniform” scrub attire using logo
- Vendor Safe Attire worn in Non-Compliant Areas within are easily recognized
- Users wearing Vendor Safe Attire outside the facility are subject to having a photo of them posted to ScrubSafe.com

Implement different Surgical Attire for Department/Occupations
- Users wearing non- VendorSafe, non-department color attire are easily recognized
- Shrinkage in inventory is identified by department and/or occupation

Track and Manage Surgical Attire utilization with VendorSafe
- Only Authorized Users can access VendorSafe
- Authorized Users are limited by credits and compliance history
- Compliant Users are identified and displayed on monitor in User’s Department
- Unauthorized Surgical Attire Users are quickly identified since they are NOT DISPLAYED on Department Monitor
- Users that don’t RETURN attire in required time frame are designated NON-COMPLIANT and displayed on Monitor
- Compliant use of VendorSafe is easily identified through user transaction history as related to work history

How it works


How do you control surgical attire from leaving the facility?
Surgical Attire is clearly identified with the VendorSafe Logo. Signage is placed at all exits informing staff and public that Surgical Attire should never leave the facility. Photos of non-compliance can be posted to ScrubSafe.com.
How do you stop Surgical Attire from being worn in unauthorized areas?
Using the VendorSafe logo and signage, along with department specific attire colors, surgical attire worn in unauthorized areas (i.e.: cafeteria) or other departments stands out.
How do you identify if Surgical Attire is returned on time?
Each user must return checked out attire within a specific time frame (i.e.; 12 hours). If attire is not returned, the user is identified as Non-Compliant.
How can you tell if Surgical Attire is being worn by unauthorized user?
Each user is provided a VendorSafe user number. Unauthorized users will not have this number. In addition, each department will have a monitor listing Compliant and Non-Compliant (past-due return) Users. Unauthorized Users will not be on this monitor.
How do you know if Surgical Attire being worn in your Department is clean?
The User’s names will display on the department monitor as COMPLIANT.
How do I know if Authorized Users are using VendorSafe?
The User’s names will display on the department monitor as COMPLIANT. In addition, we recommend running User Transaction Summary reports when providing Employee Review. Match their VendorSafe usage against their work history to identify compliance level
What is the maximum capacity of VendorSafe?
VendorSafe has no capacity issues. We can track multiple styles, colors and attire, including warmup jackets and lab coats.