LinQvue® Respiratory Event Alert is a wireless real-time ventilator alarm system that displays your ventilator alarms on video monitors and mobile escalation devices to simplify prioritizing patient care.
High Visibility
LinQvue REA® presents a centralized, real-time visual overview of all ventilator patients in a ward on one or more widescreen video monitors near a nurse station or other high-visibility location.
Quieter environment
There are no blaring alarms outside patient rooms with LinQvue REA®. The centralized audio alerts from the video display monitors gain staff attention with a pleasant but unique tone that reduces alarm fatigue in both staff and patients.
The LinQvue Respiratory Event Alert system uses its proprietary technology to prioritize patient care by presenting ventilator alarms in an ordered array – with the oldest alarms given highest priority.
LinQvue REA® works with all brands of ventilators – the wireless in-room transmitters connect to the ventilator via a standard nurse-call cable. The transmitters are battery-powered, allowing for easy installation without competing for an electrical outlet.

Performance Monitoring
Hospital and post-acute administrators can use the iQ ReportsTM software to easily review staff performance and compliance, viewing both specific ventilator logs and also looking at average response times, measuring trends over time, or comparing performance at different times of day.
Currently deployed in more than 100 facilities nationwide, LinQvue REA® is proven technology that helps drive improved patient outcomes in respiratory care.
The modular design of LinQvue REA® makes it affordable and extensible. Buy only what is currently needed, and add equipment as your patient census increases.